Sunday, September 5, 2010

No News Is Good News

I realize it's been awhile since I last posted, and I guess that is as good a sign as any that I am getting along okay.  I haven't felt that there was really anything noteworthy to post about!
  We got away for a week in August, and it went well.  My family took good care of me during our visit, and I consciously cut back on making plans ahead of time.  Usually I want to go, go, go, and not waste a minute; I used my time wisely and made sure that I had the energy for priorities such as visiting with my dad.  We took 36 hours away from family and toured 2 Frank Lloyd Wright houses and spent the night in a charming old inn on a mountain side!  And we even managed to pull off a wonderful day of visiting with 2 out of town cousins! 
   Adrenalin kicked in as I spent the next week preparing for the school year.  I amazed myself that I could push so hard and get a lot done.  I worked in my classroom for 4 out of 5 days, straight through the day.  Every teacher knows that organization and planning ahead of the students' arrival pays off hugely for the entire year.  I didn't get it ALL done, but feel satisfied that I'm on the way.  This week I put 2 official days in, met some of my students, but really begin teaching for real in 2 days. 
    I saw the dr and had blood work done, and it continues to hold very steady and strong.  I have been so very lucky that I am responding to and tolerating this treatment so well.  That being said, I've had a tough week-end again.  Very little energy and ambition, lots of heavy duty naps, and not much accomplished.  Tomorrow is Labor Day and hopefully I will wake up bright-eyed and bush-tailed to finish up what I need to do. 
    That's about it.  This is week 19.  Ideally I have 53 more to go.  It is a way of life, but not too exciting at this point.  Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers, and well-wished!

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